The process is as easy as it gets, and once your masterpiece is ready you can share it by way of the provided button. Top creations eventually find their way into the site’s main page, where they can be seen and heard by everybody.
As the programmer himself readily admits, this solution has been put together mainly to accommodate tomfoolery and leisure uses, like dubbing a Power Puff Girls video with your favorite song from “Master of Puppets”. However, and as he readily points out, this service can also be put to serious uses such as translating a video file in a very immediate fashion. Any way or the other, the service is interesting and I will certainly be looking out for any update that might be forthcoming.
In their Own Words:
This site allows you to dub youtube videos with other youtube videos, so if you want to put a great song over another before sharing it you can do so via ytDub, or maybe you want to translate a video using the translations from a poor source video? (Honestly we expect you to use funny music to people being stupid, but we had to have a serious reason for ytDub!) We will be constantly adding new tweaks to the site, Surprises Await!
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HappY SurFinG!!! (:
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