Monday, May 4, 2009 - Your Social Fashion Site

There are many sites on the internet where you can find fine outfits and different kinds of clothes. However, not many of them assure you a high quality when it comes to providing nice products in a very simple way. was created to provide users with very high quality products as well as to allow them to bookmark and tag their favorite cloths online.

On this site users will have the chance to create polls so the company can learn from their opinions about many products and services. In this way can improve its services and create new features for its clients. In addition to this, the company wants to provide users with a personalized service where clients are considered as the most important link of the chain. has many interesting features. However, one of the most notable things about this site is the fact that it contains a number of status updates similar to Facebook and twitter.

This site can be considered as a social shopping network that connects consumers with the right products. You just need to create your social profile and you will have the chance to review a wide variety of goods and participate in an innovative online shopping experience.

Visit website:

HappY SurFing!!! (:

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