Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Download Windows Server 2008 and Vista SP2 RTM (6002.18005)

Microsoft has finally compiled the final RTM version of Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. As usual, the setup installer for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 SP2 have been leaked to Internet for free download by all, way ahead of official Microsoft release.

The final RTM of SP2 for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista has the file build version of 6002.18005, with full string of 6.0.6002.18005, as mentioned in article about SP2 RTM-Escrow. mychaelo has posted on Our forums the leaked Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 standalone setup installers, for both 32bit and 64bit, in the form of RapidShare and DepositFiles HTTP download links plus torrents for BT download.

32-bit (x86) Windows Vista and Server 2008 SP2 RTM (All 36 Languages)

BUILD: 6002.18005
FILE: Windows6.0-KB948465-X86.exe
SIZE: 475,67 Mb
CRC32: 8D07A886
MD5: cad218b99fc301836e385049c75f5eaf
SHA-1: 7f8aa802e157282d84cf47950281de53a8c26f22

HTTP: Windows6.0-KB948465-X86.exe
BT Torrent: Windows6.0-KB948465-X86.torrent

64-bit (x64) Windows Vista and Server 2008 SP2 RTM (All 36 Languages)

BUILD: 6002.18005
FILE: Windows6.0-KB948465-X64.exe
SIZE: 745.67 MB
CRC32: 19C1676E
MD5: db35df98ae5a6fd085386580a6ee8b55
SHA-1: f0e46deb7734b8ed277b0cf2304ee2babc4d9b1c

HTTP: Windows6.0-KB948465-X64.exe
BT Torrent: Windows6.0-KB948465-X64.torrent

The standalone setup installer for Windows Vista and WS 2008 SP2 contains all 36 languages to support all localized operating system. No need to wait for any separate language waves to be released. However, for Windows Vista users who want to download a smaller SP2 update files, standalone SP2 installers for specific waves are also available.

32bit (x86) Windows Vista and Server 2008 SP2 RTM (Wave 0 - English, Japanese, Spanish, German and French)

BUILD: 6002.18005.090410-1830
FILE: Windows6.0-KB948465-X86.exe
SIZE: 365,230,920 bytes
CRC: 3368C777
MD5: C9394FD32DB15619328AF4FF0315750A
SHA1: 106C0484D7449CC4B70353C21D0C0D63E4BA66C3


64bit (x64) Windows Vista and Server 2008 SP2 RTM (Wave 0 - English, Japanese, Spanish, German and French)

BUILD: 6002.18005.090410-1830
FILE: Windows6.0-KB948465-X64.exe
SIZE: 605,410,472 bytes
CRC: 1737E14D
MD5: A3BCB1FFDB366397FA5FAB0898EB098D
SHA1: BE8D74ADC029FA7350FC1F0D32BEF853C0519A92


Windows Vista Users will require to download and install Windows Vista SP1 prior to updating SP2.
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