Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Convert Files from and into Different Formats Online

There are many freewares that can help to do document conversion but in case you are not comfortable to download one for temporary use in local PC system, you may want to try this online service that serve the same purpose. The website, named as cometdocs offers free online conversions for more than 50 formats that make it a powerful tool for both office and personal use.

The service is totally free of charge and what users need to do is just visit Cometdocs followed by three simple steps. First, choose a file by browsing from your local drive. Then, select a type of file to be converted from a list of recommended conversion format. Good thing is, the online service is smart enough to help identifying the unknown or unusual file format with suggested lists for quick conversion. Once completed, key in the email address that you want this converted file to be sent to and you will be surprised to receive the converted copy almost instantly.

Since this is web based service, the conversion latency will be affected by how stable your internet service is especially when trying to upload the file to the server. Nevertheless, it is quite a handy tool in view of its wide range of conversion formats available for selection as compared to other solutions.
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