Sunday, July 25, 2010

How to Format Hard Drive Without Losing Windows

Formatting your hard drive without losing XP/Vista/7 is not something hard to do, Yesss!!! it's simple. The benefits include cleaning up the registry of unwanted software, cleaning your system of unwanted programs and cleaning your personal information in case of donating your computer system. You can format the hard drive and still keep XP intact. Using your original installation CD is the easiest and safest way to format your hard drive. Plan on installation time of 1 hour. Back up of documents and other software may take a few hours.
Ok let me tell you how to do it!!!
  1. Transfer the documents you want to keep to a removable storage unit such as CDs, DVDs, zip drives or USB thumb drives.
  2. Back up any software you wish to keep to a storage device. If there are several programs, obtaining a minimum 4 gigabyte USB thumb drive is suggested. 
  3. You will need to set your BIOS to boot from the CD or DVD drive, check your system manual for instructions. Insert the XP installation CDc into the drive and restart. When asked where you want to boot from, select "Boot from CD" option. 
  4. Follow the directions on the screen, read and accept the license agreement and press "F8" to proceed. 
  5. At the Options window, select "Install." This will format the hard drive and reinstall XP to your drive. You can either choose to keep the directory structure or reformat. Follow the on-screen instructions from here and complete the install.

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