Saturday, July 4, 2009

How To Add Music, MP3, Audio Player To Your Blog

Do you want to add music to your blog, but don’t want to annoy your readers with (auto-playing, how-do-I-stop-this?) inline music? If that is the case, adding a music player is the best option for you. This article will explain how to add music, mp3, audio to your Blogger (Blogspot) Blog, So follow this step by step guide.

Step 1: First, upload the music file to any free file hosting servers on the net if you don't have your own. Once you upload, they will provide you with a direct link to that music file.

Step 2: Here is the code you need to add music to your blog
<embed width="250" height="50" autostart="false" src="MUSIC FILE URL"/></embed>

Step 3: You can add the music player anywhere you want in your Blogger blog..
Sidebar: If you want to add in sidebar, go to Layout >> Add a gadget >> HTML / JavaScript >> and paste the code and save it.
Blog Post: If you want to embed music file to any specific blog post, Paste the code in 'Edit html' mode and save it.

That's it, Enjoy! (:

clarification code above:
width: width of the music player
height: height of the music player
autostart: values : false or true(If you use the autostart value: true, the music file will automatically play. but keep in mind, it annoys many visitors/readers)
MUSIC FILE URL: the direct link to your music file
In this example, MUSIC FILE URL is

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1 comments: on "How To Add Music, MP3, Audio Player To Your Blog"

mika said...

hey james add some good blogger templates man, like the wordpress themes you posted some days back.

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