Monday, June 1, 2009

Your Computer Hardware Drivers List

It is sometimes a good idea to get an overview of all computer hardware drivers that are loaded/Installed in the operating system. We all know that outdated or incompatible drivers can lead to all kinds of computer related problems including crashes, performance issues or even data loss.

Driver View is a quality computer software that has been designed for exactly that purpose. It will create a listing of all computer hardware drivers that are loaded into system memory. The listing contains extensive information about each driver including the name, company and product name, modified date, description, file type and filename.
The software highlights non-Microsoft drivers and offers the additional option to hide all Microsoft drivers in the listing. Each column is sortable which makes it easier to find specific drivers in the long listing. A search is integrated in the software as well.

It is possible to export the data into various formats including html, text or csv. It is furthermore possible to generate reports from the command line. Driver View is another excellent Nirsoft application that is compatible with most Windows operating systems including Windows XP and Windows Vista.

HappY SurfinG!!! (:
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