Monday, June 1, 2009

Make Free Internet Phone Calls With EvaPhone

EvaPhone provides free internet phone calls. This is achieved by using VoIP call solutions – that is, a service that enables the user to make PC-to-phone calls in an inexpensive manner.

Site users can actually choose between free and paid calls – the latter come without the advertisements inherent to free calls. In both cases there is no need to download anything, and the call is handled by keying in the relevant number using the provided widget. As far as hardware is concerned, you need to have a microphone with speakers or (better still) a headset.

This is where the main advantage of Evaphone lies, actually – you don’t need to install any new application to use it. Just a web browser will do the trick.

If this web-based service is exactly what you have been looking for, make sure to visit and read more about it. You can also create an account for free and get started in no time at all.

In their own words
EvaPhone provides Internet telephone calls for free. Our site offers free VoIP call solutions: free VoIP service lets you make PC-to-phone free international calls. All you need is a computer to start making free VoIP calls using Internet to phone. Start enjoying the benefits of Internet telephony right now!
HappY SurfinG!!! (:
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