Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Windows Vista SP 2 Released

Microsoft has just released the second service pack for the Windows Vista operating system which can either be downloaded as a standalone package or via Windows Update. The standalone package not only contains the Windows Vista Service Pack 2 but also the second service pack for Windows Server 2008, a combined package so to speak. The size of the 32-bit standalone package is about 302 Megabytes for the five language and 390 Megabytes for the seven language service pack and almost double that amount for the 64-bit standalone package which comes in sizes of 508 and 622 Megabytes.

The size of the Service Pack 2 is considerably smaller when downloaded over Windows Update with all downloads being less than 100 Megabytes in size for all possible editions. Microsoft has created a What’s New article at Technet which details the most notable changes that are introduced in Windows Vista Service Pack 2.

Changes that affect most users are the removal of the halp open outbound TCP connection limit, support for Bluetooth 2.1, improvements to Wi-Fi connections and configurations and the integration of Windows Search 4.0.

The standalone Windows Vista Service Pack 2 can be downloaded from the following pages:

Windows Vista Service Pack 2 5-language (English, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish) standalone pack download

Windows Vista Service Pack 2 5-language DVD ISO download

Windows Vista Service Pack 2 5-language 64-bit download

The all language standalone packages are not available yet, the links are the following for 32-bit and 64-bit

Please follow these links for additional information about the second service pack:

via OS News
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