Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Streamline RapidShare's Download Activities Via RapidShare Download Accelerator

Being one of the world’s biggest file hosting site with a huge database stored on the server, RapidShare is one of the favorite hosting site used by Internet users particularly bloggers to share files virtually with others. Users do not have much complaints on the pay service. They can easily download multiple files simultaneously without much waiting time with their premium account. However, users who use the free account could feel a bit of pissed off because they are only allowed to download one file at a time. Furthermore, they need to wait at least 30 seconds to 15 minutes before the subsequent download activity starts.

Why let the downloading restriction and limitation challenge your patience since you can have a good assistant to streamline your downloading process? RapidShare Download Accelerator is a tiny but practical application to resolve your problem. With RapidShare Download Accelerator, users can add the files to be downloaded from the hosting server, and then they can sit down and wait for the whole downloading process to be completed by itself. It saves users valuable time for other things. RapidShare Download Accelerator features a few basic functions such as add file, batch add, delete file and pause/resume download.

The RaphidShare Download Accelerator tool can be downloaded from here. This application works well with Windows OS and it requires .NET Framework to be installed.

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