Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kate Gosselin Serves Up A Cookbook. We Wonder Why?

Kate Gosselin might have a lot on her plate, but that hasn’t stopped this prolific babymaker from being a prolific writer as well. Her third book is due (pun!) on October 13, but it’s not a tell-all account about her on-the-rocks marriage with Jon, or anything that I might actually be interested in reading. Instead, she is gracing our kitchens with her very own cookbook. Yep, that’s right, it’s called Love Is in the Mix: Making Meals Into Memories. But, of course, Kate isn’t just giving us any previews of her tasty recipes. After the jump, the ingredients we’re expecting.

  • 4 cups of nutritious recipes
  • 2 1/2 cups of tips on how to eat organically
  • 1 cup advice on how to feed a family on a budget
  • 3/4 cup photos of Kate and her family
  • A pinch of who the eff cares
  • 1 tsp advice on how to handle picky eaters
  • 1 tbs anecdotes about Kate and her fam
  • 1/2 cup advice on how to plan meals for vacations plus a drop of how would you know
  • 2 tbs of ways to make lunch fun

Kate is no more qualified to write a book on cooking than I am to write one on dating. Critics are already slamming her cookbook saying that most of the receipes are plagarized. They say her “Monkey Munch” can be found on the Chex website. Kate once said, “Real cooks don’t need recipes,” but what she should of said was, “Real cooks don’t need my recipes.” Thanks but no thanks, Kate!
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