Wednesday, May 6, 2009

EQO, A Mobile Voip Application

EQO is the core of your new and improved mobile experience, where you can stay connected to friends, family, business contacts and news from around the world! EQO (pronounced “echo”) is a FREE application that brings free instant messaging, cheap calling and cheap texting to your mobile phone. Chat on the go using MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Google Talk, QQ (NEW!), ICQ and Jabber, or call and text anyone in the world at super-low rates. Invite your friends to join your EQO network and you can use EQO to call them at up to 50% off EQO’s regular calling rate, or send them an EQO Message for free.

Anyone can use EQO!

All you need is your mobile phone and a voice/data plan with your mobile operator. We provide a free software in the form of an EQO Phonebook that makes calling, texting and IM as easy as using as... well... using your phone. Just download it like you would a ringtone or a game, and we'll do the rest.

There are so many features. Go ahead and try them all!

HappY SurfinG!!!

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