Thursday, May 14, 2009

eOffice 4.7 For BlackBerry

The provider of mobile office productivity software and services, QuickOffice has unveiled eOffice 4.7 for BlackBerry touch devices, including the BlackBerry Storm. eOffice 4.7 is a mobile office suite that enables BlackBerry users to view, share and edit files on their devices. According to the company, eOffice is the first ever mobile solution that includes robust documents and spreadsheet editors while preserving the integrity of the original document.

“As a company, Quickoffice is focused on bringing high-quality products to mobile professionals, helping to improve productivity while on the road,” according to David Halpin, vice president engineering and product development at Quickoffice. “We’ve vastly improved the usability of eOffice for BlackBerry with this release, focusing on the features and functionality desired from our customer base.”

This application supports multiple types of files format such as PDF, photo, Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. Beside that, it able to allow users to access Google Docs and Spreadsheet as well as copy the files to their device as attachment to email. In addition, the application is also integrated with print and fax option.

eOffice is now available for the price of $29,99 with unlimited free online storage that enables users to easily access office files directly from their device.

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