Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Add Play With Windows Media Player In Windows Explorer

The latest installments of Windows Media Player add two context menu entries to some folders in Windows Explorer. The options that are added are “play with Windows Media Player” and “Add to Windows Media Player List”. Users who regularly work with Windows Media Player might want to add these context menu entries to all of their music folders in Windows Explorer. Here is how this is done. Microsoft Windows displays the context menu entry for folder types that use the music template. All that needs to be done to enable these two new entries in Windows Explorer is to change the folder template to the music template.

Right-click the folder that you want to add the options to and select Properties from the menu. Now switch to the customize tab in the window that is popping up. Select Music (best for audio files and playlists) from the drop down menu on top. You can also check the “also apply this template to all subfolders” if the subfolders should also be turned into music folders. A click on OK will change the folder template in Windows Explorer to music.

A right-click on that folder will from then on display the two Windows Media Player entries. You can revert the changes by simply changing the music template back to the default folder template.

HappY SurfinG!!! (:
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