Monday, April 20, 2009

Facebook Fixer Enhances Facebook’s Design

Are you a regular Facebook user? If you are you had to cope with several design changes, ads, profiling and privacy policy changes in the past which more often than not have faced strong opposition in the Facebook community. There are several possibilities to change pages and elements on Facebook to undo certain changes to the popular social community portal but only few are as powerful as using Greasemonkey scripts to modify how Facebook looks and functions.

Facebook Fixer is just one Greasemonkey script that can be used to change the Facebook pages. It is one of the more powerful scripts that gets updated regularly to keep up with the official changes. Every feature of the script can be turned on and off separately in the options:

*Bigger Profile Pictures and Photos
*Bigger Album Pictures
*Load Full Albums
*Video Download Links
*Homepage Customization
*Age and Sign of People displayed 
*Calendar Integration
*Keyboard Shortcuts
*Removes Facebook | from the title of each page
*Error Page Reloading, automatically reloads pages that throw up errors
*Automatic Update

Facebook Homepage

Facebook Photos


The Greasemonkey script works on the latest Facebook design. Users who want to remove Facebook ads can install this script to do so. Firefox users need to install the Greasemonkey add-on before any scripts can be installed.

HaPpY SurFing!!! :-D

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