Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Extremists TALIBANS want to impose their agenda on people: President Asif zardari

Updated at: 1123 PST, Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari has resolved to build Pakistan in accordance with the dream and aspirations of the great visionary Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

President Zardari in his message on the 71st death anniversary of Allama Iqbal, said Pakistan can be best built by understanding Islam in the light of Allama Iqbal’s teachings and by refusing to let armed militants impose their interpretation of Islamic thought and morality on the people through guns and bullets. “This indeed is the best tribute we can pay to Allama Iqbal today.”

President Zardari said Iqbal was the great poet philosopher who first envisioned a separate homeland for the Muslims of the South Asian sub continent.

The freedom and independence of the people of Pakistan living as an independent nation is in no small measure due to the great vision of a great visionary Allama Muhammad Iqbal, he added.

The President said today, as never before, the message of Iqbal has been misunderstood as some elements are using force to deprive the people of their hard earned freedom and independence.
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