Saturday, March 29, 2008

Maximize Site/Blog Revenue with PayPopUp Targeted Online Pop-Under Ad Service

Webmasters earn money from different Publisher programs such as Google AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN), Bidvertiser, Clicksor, Chitika and etc. Almost all Publisher programs allow members to monetize sites with different money making publisher programs to increase the site revenue. Site owners can not increase their site revenue and sometimes, they may not manage their ad space in websites and blogs. A great money making program waits for interesting Internet users to earn money from websites and Blogs with the help Pop-Up and Pop-Under targeted Advertisements.
PayPopUp is number 1 Pop-Up and Pop-Under Publisher program for interesting publishers by placing a small piece of Ad code. Members can display either Pop Up or Pop Under advertisements in websites. Similarly, site owners can display both advertisements in one site at a time. This program is completely worked on Contextual advertising system. So, Pay Pop Up’s Ad code collects best keywords from websites and displays very relevant target Advertisements. This is really great money making idea suitable for almost all websites and blogs.

All these Pop-Up and Pop-Under Advertisements do not occupy Ad space in any site. So, site owners can easily maximize their Ad revenue with zero px Ad space. That is why most of people use this technique to increase the site revenue. Generally, Publishers monetize their sites with Pay Per Click (PPC) or Cost Per Click (CPC) advertisements. Click Fraud Cheating is very common problem in PPC Publisher programs. However, Pay Pop Up Publisher program is completely Click Fraud Cheating Free program. In other words, publishers do not worry about Click Fraud Cheating problems.

Pay Pop Up is not a Pay Per Click (PPC) program. This program pays members as per CPM scale. CPM is not but Cost per thousand Impressions. PayPopUp gives complete flexibility to earn money just for site visitors. I think this program is very useful for all Publishers. The cost per Thousand Impressions rate changes and it depends on Geo-graphic location. We know that Publisher programs may allow members to place ad code 2-3 times in any website but Pay Pop Up does not allow members to place ad code more than 1 time. So, Site owners have to paste Ad Code once per webpage. Similarly, Ad code may not work properly if any publisher paste more than once.

These programs may generate Invalid page Impressions and Site owner may face problems due to site visitors Invalid Page Impressions similar to the Click Fraud Cheating. PayPopUp Ad network uses very advanced software technology to detect Invalid Page Impressions. This company Ad technology simply filtered Invalid Page Impressions and updated once per day. So, Publishers can expect daily statistics for every 24 hours. Some new publishers worry about their statistics. That is why I mentioned here as per their convenience. PayPopUp does not close any Publisher’s account without strong reason. So, members do not worry about their account and earnings.

PayPopUp Ad Formats:

Presently, PayPopUp provides 4 types of Ad formats for Publishers as per their convenience. These are the List of PayPopUp ad formats are available as stated below.

Pop Under
In Page Banner
Pop In Banner
PayPopUp Ad code may not serve Advertiser’s advertisement in few Browsers but most of Browsers support for their Ad Code. This company works to implement the Ad Code to avoid this problem completely.

Instructions for PayPopUp Members:

PayPopUp provides complete flexibility for their members with strict rules and regulations in order to protect Advertiser’s investment and other terms of use. Don’t misunderstand this company. Every Publisher program strictly follows their rules to give best results for Advertisers and best benefits for their members. So, every publisher has to understand and think logic behind of their rules and regulations.

PayPopUp does not allow members to modify ad code. We know that the size of ads can adjust by changing the height, width, color and etc but most of ad codes may not work properly due to this type of code modification. So, publisher may not expect exact results. Similarly, Publisher program ad technology performance may reduce due to these improper activities. That is why Publisher programs strictly prohibited these activities. Similarly, PayPopUp also seriously considers Ad code modifications. Publisher account may be deactivated by this company. So, do not modify publisher ad code; not only this program. This condition is applicable for all publisher programs. Interesting Internet users can check any publisher program’s terms and conditions in their websites.

PayPopUp does not support few sites. For example: Adult Content sites, Harmful content and etc. However, PayPopUp support carefully studies every site before going to approve any site. Some site owners do not place any improper content initially. Later they may publish but PayPopUp manually check their member’s sites in order to check their member’s activities. Their system can automatically detect these activities. Similarly, some people place ad code in rejected sites. Their advanced Ad technology noted each and every page Impression generated by the each site. Finally, their system automatically alerts their support for Investigation. Finally, PayPopUp holds respective member’s earnings. Sometimes, they may close publisher account due to these improper activities.

There are so many advanced softwares available to create millions of millions websites within few minutes time. Similarly, there are so many advanced softwares available to generate Page Impressions like Page to Read or Paid to Click programs. PayPopUp does not permit members to place their ad code in duplicate content sites or duplicate domains. Similarly, Their Ad technology can easily detect Invalid Impressions generated by either Paid to surf programs or Auto surf softwares. So, this company does not give guarantee for their members who neglect their terms and conditions mentioned in their site. Each publisher must read their terms and conditions before going to place an Ad code of PayPopUp Publisher program.
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