Friday, September 7, 2007

How to Hack and Install Windows Media Player 11 Final Bypass and Crack Genuine Windows Validation

The final gold version 11.0.5721.5145 of Windows Media Player 11 has been released by Microsoft, and Windows users can download Windows Media Player 11 final directly from Microsoft without any WGA validation check and test on Windows OS. However, during installation of WMPlayer 11, there is still Windows Genuine Advantage Validation check required on Windows OS that you plan to install WMP11. If you unable to pass the validation verification, the following tricks and hacks may help you to install Windows Media Player 11.

Method 1:

The other method of install and setup WMP11 bypassing and disable the genuine Windows validation of WGA is to install components of WMPlayer part by part.

1: Download WMP11.
2: Extract (unrar or unzip) wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe by using extraction tool such as WinRAR.
3: Go to the extracted folder, and execute (run) wmfdist11.exe.
4: Restart the computer.
5:Execute wmp11.exe.
6: Restart the computer.
7: Start using Windows Media Player 11.

Method 2:

To install Windows Media Player (WMP) 11 without going through WGA, you can either use a registry hack or overwrite a .dll in the setup package. I'll describe the .dll method since it should be safer.
1: First, you'll want to download WMP 11.
2: Next, extract the WMP 11 setup file using something like WinRAR. Either right-click the setup file once you've installed WinRAR and choose Extract, or select it from WinRAR's user interface.
3: Download LegitLibM.dll.rar. Extract it and rename the file to LegitLibM.dll.
4: Copy and paste LegitLibM.dll into the extracted WMP 11 directory, overwriting the existing file.
5: Run setup_wm.exe and accept when the setup asks for WGA validation. It should go directly to the EULA from there.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purpose only. Readers should contacts Microsoft if their licensed or OEM software cannot be validated or purchase genuine software.

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