Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Change Blogger Template Without Deleting Widgets

One of the Major Problem every Blogspot Blogger users have is whenever they try to change their templates, They loss their widgets even if they take backup of their template. After Changing their template, they need to add widgets again manually. If only one or two widgets in the sidebar or you just build your blog, it would not be a big issue, but if you have so many widgets in the sidebar and your blog is enough old then of course it will be more complicated. So what's solution?

I've created this tutorial/guide to help you to change your current template without losing any widgets.

1. Create new blog. This is a test blog.

2. Upload your new template to test blog.

3. Go to Dashboard. Click to Layout of current blog (not new test blog) --> Edit HTML --> search for: <div id='sidebar'> copy all widget code between <div id='sidebar'> to </div>

4. Now Go again to Dashboard. Click Layout (at new test blog) --> edit HTML --> search for <div id='sidebar'> --> paste all widget code that you have copied. Put it between <div id='sidebar'> too

5. Save your template

6. Download and save full template of test blog

7. Upload to your current blog layout, and you get new layout without deleting widget

Should you need more help? post in comments section. (:
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