Sunday, May 10, 2009

Even Taliban Leaders Love their Apple iPhone

The ultra-conservative Taliban are no big fans of the West and they banned all gizmos and other forms of entertainment in Afghanistan but these rules are slightly relaxed for the top leadership of Taliban.

Former Taliban ambassador Mullah Zaeef, who is currently in Kabul after spending years at the Guantanamo bay in Cuba, is a huge fan of his "Made in America" iPhone and uses it for Internet as well as GPS.

You can buy an unlocked iPhone in some Kabul shop for around $800 which I won’t classify as ‘very expensive’ because the device, if purchased legally, would cost almost the same in Pakistan and India.

Given their love for the iPhone, don’t be surprised if the CIA gets Apple to manufacture some special iPhone models (with tracking) especially for Afghanistan hoping that some Al Qaeda operatives would buy them. ;)

HappY SurfinG!!! (:

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