1. FunBrain.com - http://www.funbrain.com
Eduactional games, math problems, word games, and historical trivia.
2. Disney.com - http://www.disney.go.com
Mickey, Donald, and other characters host the many activities on this site.
3. Funology.com - http://funology.com
Wacky facts, simple craft projects, and magic tricks.
4. The Yuckiest Site on the Internet - http://www.yucky.com
A science education resource loaded with all things that are gross. Also includes trivia questions such as "What is snot made of?"
5. Nick.com - http://www.nick.com
Over 40 different games and more!
6. PBS Kids - http://pbskids.org
This site has games, stories, music, contests, coloring, and free stuff for preschoolers throuh preteens.
7. McGruff.org - http://www.mcgruff.org
Through interactive games, comics, activities, and advice from McGruff the Crime Dog, mcgruff.org teaches kids how to be safe and protect themselves from crime. This website shows kids what they can do to stay safe online, stop bullies from picking on them and their friends, deal with strangers, and much more.
8. Yahoo Kids - http://kids.yahoo.com/
Yahoo Kids! is the ultimate web guide for kids! Features fun and educational resources for kids with games, animals, music, jokes, movies, news, astrology, ...
9. Kids Domain - http://www.kidsdomain.com/
Kaboose.com is a trusted, family friendly, interactive, entertaining, kid safe, helpful site with hundreds of reviews, message boards, crafts, games, ...
10. Kids Health - http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/
KidsHealth has doctor-approved articles, animations, games, and resources to help kids learn more about their bodies and stay healthy.
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